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Key Developments from the 2024 Legislative Session
Key Developments from the 2024 Legislative Session

A record number of bills were proposed in the Colorado Legislature this year. Of the 705 bills introduced this session, the Colorado Apartment Association (CAA) identified more than a dozen that would have been harmful to rental housing providers. CAA and its lobbyist team HBS minimized the... Continue Reading

Postedby Drew Hamrick
Date posted06/10/2024

Person of the Year Finalist Announcement
Person of the Year Finalist Announcement

At the Education Conference and Trade Show on May 14, AAMD President Amie Robertshaw announced the Finalists for Person of the Year. See the announcement video, or see the finalists by expanding the option below the video. The Person of the Year will be announced at June Awards on June 27 at... Continue Reading

Date posted05/16/2024

Frequently Asked Questions About New Energy Regulations
Frequently Asked Questions About New Energy Regulations

In response to the sweeping energy regulations introduced by the city and county of Denver, the Apartment Association of Metro Denver (AAMD) and Colorado Apartment Association (CAA) have taken proactive steps to navigate the challenges posed by the Energize Denver program. These FAQs are... Continue Reading

Date posted02/2/2024

Teo Nicolais Named CPM of the Year by IREM
Teo Nicolais Named CPM of the Year by IREM

Teo Nicolais was recently named the 2023 Certified Property Manager (CPM) of the Year by the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) Greater Denver for his work on Academic Engagement. Teo represented the property management industry at events at the University of Denver, served as a... Continue Reading

Date posted01/5/2024

Denver building owners face fines for continued use of natural gas
Denver building owners face fines for continued use of natural gas

Starting Jan. 1, 2024, covered building owners must have implemented the energy efficiency measures necessary to meet their first interim building performance standard requirement. The new year brings with it new legal expectations from the city and county of Denver that require all... Continue Reading

Date posted01/1/2024

New Energy Regulations Being Challenged
New Energy Regulations Being Challenged

As you’re probably aware by now, the State of Colorado and the City of Denver through erroneous regulations and benchmarking are effectively outlawing natural gas in buildings over 50,000 square feet (State) and 25,000 square feet (Denver). This will impact an estimated 8,000 buildings in... Continue Reading

Postedby Mark Williams
Date posted12/11/2023

2023: Breaking Down One Dollar of Rent in Colorado
2023: Breaking Down One Dollar of Rent in Colorado

Monthly rent payments are more than just a transaction between a resident and a rental housing provider. It's a pivotal contribution to the American economy, community growth and the backbone of the rental housing industry. Rent payments directly support 17.5 million jobs. They also finance local... Continue Reading

Date posted11/24/2023

Tributes 2023 Recipients
Tributes 2023 Recipients

Congratulations! Continue Reading

Date posted09/18/2023

Entryway Launches in Colorado, in Partnership with AAMD and Local Housing Providers
Entryway Launches in Colorado, in Partnership with AAMD and Local Housing Providers

Organization focused on reducing situational homelessness names Kit Baker-Carr as Executive Director and selects City Advisory Board; AAMD donates $20,000 to launch the organization Continue Reading

Date posted08/23/2023

Tributes 2023 Finalists Announced!
Tributes 2023 Finalists Announced!

Expand for Table of Contents (QuickLinks) Table of Contents Most Outstanding Leasing Experience Most Captivating Amenity Experience Most Impactful Community Renovation Most Innovative Resident Lifestyle Experience Most Outstanding Executive Most Outstanding Regional Management... Continue Reading

Date posted06/1/2023

Remembering Debbie Wilson
Remembering Debbie Wilson

It is with a heavy heart that we share the news that Debbie Wilson passed away last weekend (May 5, 2023). Debbie’s extensive involvement and deep contributions with the Apartment Association were absolutely incredible. She was a fundamental part of everything we stand for through... Continue Reading

Date posted05/9/2023

The Apartment Development Pipeline: Past, Present and Future
The Apartment Development Pipeline: Past, Present and Future

Recently the Metro Denver apartment market surpassed 400,000 apartment homes! This landmark gives us the opportunity to take a look back at the history of Denver’s housing development, a look forward to what’s next, a close look at who’s building in Denver, and an evaluation of... Continue Reading

Postedby Cary Bruteig
Date posted05/4/2023