Weathering The Storm: Staying Relevant During the Pandemic

Posted By: Dave Janecek Sales & Leasing, Supplier Partners,

9 Ways Suppliers Can Stay Relevant During the Pandemic


For nearly a year, we have been living in an age where from one day to the next we are often unsure of what to expect. We are so used to the day to day routines of our lives and when they are dramatically disrupted, we must develop coping skills and look to adjust to our new environment. Events such as the current pandemic tend to render many roles and skillsets redundant andat times completely unvaluable. This creates an ever increasing need to reinvent yourself and thus stay relevant.

Here are nine ways to stay relevant these days, as our clients operate during (and beyond) the pandemic:

  1. EMBRACE CHANGE. As much as you probably hate the term, it is a "new nomal" - and adaptation is necessary in this environment. If you don't embrace the change, your competitors will.
  2. LEARN CONTINUOUSLY. In some industries, some not as necessary as others, business has taken a hit, and you've found more time on yours and your employee's hands. Use this time to learn more! Take online courses and read what you can to develop new and existing skillsets.
  3. BE VERSATILE. Probably one of the toughest things to do is leave your comfort zone. Now's the time to do so - whether it's learning new skills or adjusting your business to be able to better assist your clients.
  4. STAY PROFESSIONAL. Now's not the time to panic, especially online. Your personal and professional brand online is always being judged even  if your business has taken a hit. Keep it up to date so when your clients are ready to do business again, they know you're still willing and able.
  5. STAY POSITIVE. There's enough negativity surrounding the pandemic and your clients are likely all over the map when it comes to their views. One thing we can all agree with, however, is that negativity is damaging and should be avoided. Focus your energies on making the best of the current situation and keep it positive when you're around your colleagues and clients. 
  6. STAY EDUCATED. Keep up with the latest industry news as it is good to know what is going on with your customers and competitors. AAMD hosts monthly "Coffee with the Lawyers" that Supplier Partners are invited to to learn about what their customers are dealing with. 
  7. STAY CLOSE. Despite the current landscape, your customers may not expect you to service their needs, but don't get complacent and think they don't want to hear from you. Get creative in staying in contact with them.
  8. WATCH YOUR PEERS. Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing. Are they doing something different in this new environment that gives them an advantage?
  9. STAY SOCIAL. Since we cannot really pop in on clients for a quick chat very easily, it is important that you keep yourself and your company out front socially. LinkedIn and Facebook are excellent platforms for you to not only provide information regarding you and your company but great places for you to obtain information on your customers and competitors.

We certainly did not expect 2020 to be this volatile of a year, but it was and 2021 will bring challenges as well. So, stay positive and keep moving forward and be ready for more ‘new beginnings’ as we weather this storm and move into our next new challenges.

Dave Janecek is the Western Region Vice President at RediCarpet